The Jamaican national team is the first Caribbean team to qualify for a World Cup. Shortly after this major success, the team is now on a strike as they fight for payment for competing in the World Cup. Therefore the history-making Reggae Girlz have vowed that they will not play another match for Jamaica until the matter is resolved. They have started the movement “NO PAY, NO PLAY!”
The Jamaican Federation (JFF) has failed to uphold the legal contracts promised to nine of the professional players on the team. They have also made a statement saying that half of the money has been paid through to the players. This is a straight-up lie. They are claiming that all the money that has come through has been allocated to players salaries, but our source says that none of these senior players have seen a percent of that.
Begs the questions where has the money gone? and what is the JFF trying to hide by lying to the public about the missing funds? Fifa has been very transparent in releasing information about when the tournament money was allocated. They have stated that the money for Jamaica has been given. It seems something more mysterious is going on here. Maybe it’s just good old fashion laundering. At this point, it is too soon to tell considering it is an open investigation now.
Imagine you’ve just been on the biggest stage possible for a professional footballer. You’ve been a player of the first team representing your country at the World Cup. You’ve scored the first goal ever in the World Cup for your country. What an honor!? You have just made history and you should be on cloud nine right now. Then reality hits you hard by not getting paid for what you legally agreed on. You’re left feeling abused for the love you have for the game. That’s what has happened to Havana Solaun, a footballer we interviewed a few months ago.
The video is the press release of The JFF on the “no pay, no play” matter.